Immigration Debate Links

No matter what your topic is, this is an excellent site to get statistics on legal and illegal immigration: Immigration facts and statistics

If you have the pro-immigration side, this is a must-read: 10 Myths About Immigration

So is this: Myths and facts about immigration to the United States


Topic 1: Admit more refugees/Too many immigrants 

Illegal Immigration Solutions: Pros and Cons (Click on links about Immigration Quotas)

Should America Maintain/Increase the Level of Legal Immigration? (make sure you read sections at bottom of page)

Pros and cons of immigration for the USA (read the second paragraph!)


Topic 2: Immigrants help economy/Immigrants take away jobs

Top 10 Pros and Cons: What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America? (Click on words Economic Burden)

Illegal Immigration Solutions: Pros and Cons (Click on links about Economic Impact)

Should America Maintain/Increase the Level of Legal Immigration? (make sure you read sections at bottom of page)

Pros and cons of immigration for the USA (read the second and third paragraphs!)


Topic 3: Immigrants not terrorist threats/Keep America safe

Top 10 Pros and Cons: What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America? (Click on words Terrorist Threat)

Does Illegal Immigration Pose a Terrorist Threat to the United States?

Immigration Issues: U.S.-Mexico Border Fence Pros and Cons


Topic 4: Diversity is good/Immigrants need to assimilate

Should America Maintain/Increase the Level of Legal Immigration? (make sure you read sections at bottom of page which mention Melting Pot and Diversity)

Pros and cons of immigration for the USA (read the first paragraph!)

Most in U.S. Say It's Essential That Immigrants Learn English

Shortage Of English Classes As Demand Rises In The U.S.


Topic 5: Tighter border control is necessary to protect America from illegal aliens draining border communities' resources (schools, health care, social services).

Stressing City Services

Strain on school budgets

Immigration Policy